In four short days our kitchen is scheduled to be completely ripped out. And then rebuilt (yes, we have the technology). While I don't have an exact completion date for this project, I am guessing it will take (at least) 3 months. Yes, I said three months! Three months without a range. No oven. No dishwasher. Heck, not even a kitchen sink.
To prepare for the event, I have been a crazy packing fool over the past 2 weeks. And I have many boxes to donate as well. It's really amazing how much stuff can accumulate in a small kitchen over the course of ten years or so.
Since this blog was started to share recipes with friends and family who might be interested in them, I am going to try and document my cooking experiences during the remodel. Last weekend we purchased a small countertop microwave and and electric frying pan. I will also have both the charcoal and gas grill (which has a regular burner), and a toaster oven. These appliances, except the grills, will likely be set up on a table in the garage. I'm sure the neighbors will love viewing my culinary prowess, er experimentation!
In the meantime, we will be baking cookies and making macaroni and cheese and maybe pizza one more time before the oven goes to it's new home.
Look for pictures and recipes in the coming months!